2013年5月13日 星期一


What’s not to love about Benedict Cumberbatch?
這是The Times最近關於Benny的採訪報導標題。

The Times網站上似乎沒法看到全文。



The Times這篇報導,是我很喜歡的書寫方式。作者看似花了很多篇幅描寫無關緊要的事物,但環繞在Benny身旁,這是認識Benny的另一種角度。生活的。平靜的。

“What were you doing at Kate Moss’s house?” 我能猜想記者當下的窘迫,也能想像Benny當下眉宇間的調侃。Cumberbatch estate?這真是有趣的形容詞。

"On top of this, with his blond hair newly dyed black, and lolling across his forehead, Cumberbatch’s appearance took on an otherworldly hotness. Pale enough to have never seen sunlight, when he launched into his bullet-train monologues, he did it with the intensity of Paganini; or Nick Cave, with one black boot up on the monitor. There was a definite rock-star element to this Holmes."


This was around the age he was learning to play the trumpet – the event he credits with shaping his much commented upon mouth.

“Playing a trumpet wounds you,” he explains, gleefully. “That’s how this happened.” He presses his finger into his generous lower lip. “I have trumpet mouth.”


Here’s what it’s like interviewing Benedict Cumberbatch: a bit like interviewing a waterfall. It won’t really answer any of your questions, but it’s fabulous to watch. It’s not that it’s trying to ignore or avoid your questions – God, no. It is endlessly, eagerly forthcoming, and shows a touching courtesy towards the whole notion of being interviewed. It will tell you a story about being stung on the penis by a sea anemone in the same breath as discussing the panic of entering the library at Harrow for the first time: “Because I thought, I probably won’t have a lifetime long enough to read the first shelf – let alone the first room, let alone the whole f***ing library. I’ve always been after the idea of betterment – to know exactly everything about that wine, and tell you about the birdsong I can hear, and to understand the world around me.”
記者大人顯然也被Benny訪談時的思緒飛躍弄得哭笑不得了。我總覺得要採訪Benny並不容易。尤其是深度採訪。任何一個作品、任何一個角色(不能劇透的除外),Benny總能用他特殊理解角色的方式,娓娓道來一段關於這個角色的故事、一段關於詮釋這個角色時他的思考、以及透過這個角色他如何去觀察這個世界。如果採訪者對於Benny所飾演的故事背景不夠清楚的話,基本上根本無法對話,僅能停留在很表面的問題發問。但是,就算很有準備的記者,要採訪Benny也不是太容易。一來他很容易進入他自己的世界,要如何打斷他,需要一些技巧。再者,當Benny好不容易說到一個段落,要如何接續剛剛Benny談過的話題,著實考驗訪問者的組織能力。一開始讓我驚訝連連的,是Benny跟Tom Hiddleston一起為戰馬所作的訪問。這兩個孩子在一起,天下無敵呀~~

“The first and only time someone tried to bully him, it felt so alien – “He made me feel insecure and shy, and all I wanted was to be confident and happy” – that Cumberbatch pinned him against the wall, in utter fury, and his assailant stuttered an apology.”

He thinks – for nearly a minute. The longest he’s been silent all day.

“The Golden Globes,” he says, eventually. “Meryl Streep coming up, going, ‘Oh my God, we’re such big fans. We love you as Sherlock. How do you f***ing do that s***?’ And then Ted Danson – going, ‘Oh my God, it’s f***ing Sherlock.’  ”

Benedict mimes being trapped between Sam Malone from Cheers and Mrs Kramer from Kramer vs. Kramer, both of them freaking out, with him in the middle, mind blown. “Getting advice from George Clooney, on how to handle all of… this.” He stretches his hands out, to represent the past three years.
好喜歡這一大段呦!能被演藝界的這麼優秀的前輩包圍並稱讚,被這樣被認出,是該多麼驕傲的一件事!尤其Benny自己本人多次提到George Clooney,沒想到兩人真的有互動機會呢!(不曉得Benny見過Robert Downey Jr.沒?^^)

時光轉至Star Trek: into Darkness倫敦首映當天。

I am next to a woman from Bootle who has camped out all night with her beautifully painted portrait of the Star Trek crew, which she wishes to present to director J. J. Abrams. She is becoming increasingly crushed, and disillusioned. In the end, she turns and tries to fight her way out of the crowd.

“These people aren’t here for Star Trek,” she says, casting a hateful eye over the gleefully calling fans. “They don’t even know what Star Trek is. They’re just here for him.” She jerks a disgusted thumb at Cumberbatch.

喔!我衷心希望這位女孩在看過影片之後,能知道為什麼這麼多女孩瘋狂為Benny著迷。我也衷心希望,她能肯定Benny在她這麼愛的影集當中的表現,儘管她未必會成為Cumberpeople (這是Benny的說法,他總對Cumberbitchs這個詞有些感冒)。

“All the things we didn’t talk about!” he lamented. “The Simpsons, New York at new year, Iceland… I’ve seen and swam and climbed and lived and driven and filmed. Should it all end tomorrow, I can definitely say there would be no regrets. I am very lucky, and I know it. I really have lived 5,000 times over.”
(Benny你應該會後悔沒有成為爸爸吧?這不是你嘴上一直囔囔感到遺憾的事嗎?XD )

Benny之前在Sta Trek的訪談中談到,能夠拍這麼開心的片,同時又能賺錢,我太幸運了不是嗎?而這段話,Benny又說,了無遺憾。
說真的,我不知道自己喜歡做什麼(遺憾的是,我很清楚我不喜歡做什麼),我也不曉得我是不是能夠做一個讓自己非常喜歡,同時又能有收入的工作。對照Benny所言所行,我想我能夠改變的,至少是先調整自己的心態吧!我希望我有這樣正面的能量看世界,我也希望我有這樣的能量去努力做自己該做的事、去面對自己人生的選擇。希望有一天,I can definitely say there would be no regrets.





2 則留言:

  1. 最近才看了Sherlock,之後便是一連串的讚嘆不已與欲罷不能, 不斷的重複看手上有的兩季影極,越看越是對BC的演技讚嘆不已, 覺得BC的Sherlock怕是後無來者了,Meyrl Streep說的好:How do you f***ing do that s***?"

    本來很抗拒看BC的訪談, 因為迷上劇中人物是一回事, 迷上真人那就頭痛了, 可是就如這篇文所下的標題,如何能不愛BC呢?!
    訪談中圖書館那一段讓我很感動..after the idea of betterment...很有SH的感覺, 簡訊那則也是讓人動容

    我今年暑假換工作剛好有空檔, 正著手計畫去倫敦做一趟Sherlock Holmes之旅

    謝謝你的部落格, 好開心能看到這些文章^^


    1. JH:


      我很喜歡BC的演出,但真正讓我喜歡上BC這個人的,的確就是他的訪談。尤其是那種長訪談,聽他談他對於角色的認識以及詮釋的方式、聽他談他的人生觀、聽他談對於這個時代的反思,或聽他纖細敏感的對自身處境的反應...我喜歡這樣的BC,既真實,又虛幻。我也喜歡看Tom Hiddleston的訪談(勝過看他的演出),他們都有一種,面對花花世界,既認真演出,卻又時刻謙卑反省自我的特質。

