2012年3月29日 星期四
不確定這隻廣告是不是Paul Mcguigan拍的(醜聞評論音軌裡BC似乎有碎碎唸說Paul為積家廣告還不夠嗎?我要停止為積家配音了XD PS: 把John載去廢棄電廠那台。),感覺沒有拍出什麼積家的美,倒是把BC拍的超美...(完全是為了造福BC粉對吧??)
What attracted me to acting was the idea that I could continually learn in a profession that’s very challenging. As an individual, you are asked to use your imagination, to experience different periods, psychologies, physical forms, in order to tell stories to an audience, and that’s a privelege to be honest with you; to do that, as a living.
What drives me, is having a challenge, and meeting that challenge in a way that will hopefully make my peers, my family, my friends, proud. Part of it is a thrill seeking as well, although I think you’re in a lot of danger if you just become an adrenaline junkie, but you need stability, you need stamina, and you need to be able to keep your perspective and feel grounded and secure in what you’re doing as an actor.
The feeling when I first got the Jag’ to drive was, “Christ, how do I fit with this? It’s a real beast.” But the minute you get into the car, you realize that everything is tailored for an extraordinary driving experience. And then you turn the thing on properly, and it’s like bringing an animal to life; the roar of that engine is truly beautiful—I mean it’s a fine, fine bit of craftsmanship and that never fails to sort of impress you. The acceleration is dreamlike, but so is the handling so you feel secure with it. Everything is done with the driver in mind.
Being in front of an audience makes me feel alive; being with friends makes me feel alive. I’ve done some crazy stuff in my time, and yet I can feel infinitely alive curled up on a sofa reading a book, so what makes me feel alive? I guess it’s realizing I’m part of the world around me.
Benny,謝謝你。有你(與你的作品)的世界,make me feel alive.
另外,BC之前曾幫Jaguar XKR-S 的廣告配音。
期待你能上Top Gear!!!!!
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