Mark: I'm very proud of the big deduction scene by the fireplace. Benedict had to do it only three days into coming back so it was a huge evening for everyone. I love the rattling pace of it but also the thrill of seeing Sherlock out of his comfort zone. That and John's obvious hurt at being treated so badly! Paul and Fabian (the DOP) did such a fabulous job with it, using a split diopter lens of the type often used in big 60s movies so that two actors can remain in ficus at the same time. I can't imagine it being any better realised.
Steven 在試映會裡談到有人會把醜聞裡他對Irene的描寫視為他對女人的態度,這是不對的。但你絕對可以在獵犬裡看到Mark對狗狗的態度...XD
所以Mark提到:I adore dogs and it pained me very much to have to have the Hound in Sherlock shot. It was a lovely, soft gigantic creature.
Mark: Mine. Is it incredible? It's just a brolly! It originally came from wanting to create a good silhouette in the first scene in 'Pink' where Mycroft and John meet. I wasn't trying to invoke John Steed but there's something very Establishment about it- and that's what Mycroft is. The Dark Government and the Old School Tie. I think it's his comfort blanket. He may even sleep with it. The umbrella comes from a wonderful old shop in New Oxford St. They still advertise 'dagger canes' and 'sword sticks' but, to their great regret, are no longer allowed to stock them!
我必須要說,當Mycroft第一次作為神祕人物出場時,我一點都不覺得很恐怖...只是覺得,這傢伙哪位?挺優雅的:D 所以我是死到臨頭也不怕,還自己倒貼過去的笨蛋嗎?XD也可能因為美劇看太多,所以一點都不覺得Mycroft這種形象的官員出現,到底有多黑暗系...@_@
Mark:I'm totally different, I hope. I wish I was half as clever but I'm glad I'm not detached like him. 'The Ice Man' as Moriarty calls him. He and Sherlock have both clearly decided that they mustn't get involved with human relationships. They perceive them as weaknesses. 'Caring is not an advantage'. Yet, deep down, Mycroft clearly does care about his brother. All he wants to do is to bring him into the fold. To stop him being a loose cannon. I'd like to find a way of showing more than we have that he's actually even cleverer than Sherlock - but the deductions are hard enough as it is!
好喜歡這一段,基本上把小夏與哥哥兩個人的調性都明確點出來了。小夏與哥哥明確的決定不將自身牽連於人際關系之中。他們都認為這是個弱點。但小夏在這裡,卻問了問哥哥:'Do you ever wonder if there's something wrong with us?'小夏開始產生思考這個問題了不是嗎?^^而嘴上說著'Caring is not an advantage',卻在自己小弟從驗屍房出來後,默默走在背後並為他遞上一根煙,就能知道哥哥有多疼愛自己的弟弟了...
對於這一幕拍攝,Mark採掉了了Benny的床單,還說:He did fall over at one point when I stepped on the sheet. It was like seeing a Mummy tumble out of its bandages.就像個木乃伊從繃帶中掉出來一樣,這是哪門子的形容?XD
關於大家都很關心的Sherlock到底有幾季,Mark依舊是個壞心的傢伙:Three hundred and forty six! 我只求你快點把第四季給我生出來就好>"<
如果第二季的主題是The Woman, The Hound, The Fall,那麼第三季呢?Mark:The Return. The Middle One. The Third One?所以我們能確定的只有兩件事,第一,第一集鐵定要處理歸來記。第二,這一季還是只有三集。T___T
關於怎樣活到第三季開播,Mark倒是給了很不錯的建議:Drink and dance and love and lie/Love the reeling midnight through for tomorrow we shall die! (but alas we never do.)Dorothy Parker的詩都出來了Orz