2012年6月4日 星期一



雖然這個視頻主要圍繞在Benny如何對自己的名字自嘲,也談談Sherlock拍片時影迷所做的一些瘋狂舉動。但我看這個視頻時,一直有種困惑,為何Benny對於自己出身於Harrow School這件事,有種說不出的敵意?(說敵意也許太over,應該說,有一種亟欲擺脫,不願多談的糾結心情?)如果我出身於一個很優秀的學校,也許我會感到驕傲?

直到我看到Tom Hiddleston最近一篇訪問:'People think Eton is full of arrogant, braying toffs. It just isn't true': Tom Hiddleston on Britain's class consciousness,我才稍稍能夠理解那種心情。(中文翻譯看這裡)。


'My father and I used to tussle about me becoming an actor. He’s from strong, Presbyterian Scottish working-class stock, and he used to sit me down and say, “You know, 99 per cent of actors are out of work. You’ve been educated, so why do you want to spend your life pretending to be someone else when you could be your own man?”’



Hiddleston heads a golden generation of Old Etonian actors that numbers Eddie Redmayne (My Week With Marilyn, Birdsong), Harry Lloyd (A Game Of Thrones, The Iron Lady) and Harry Hadden-Paton (who recently starred in She Stoops To Conquer at the National Theatre).

‘But I’m wary of labels,’ he says. ‘As an actor, the labels that are so easily attachable to me – like Old Etonian or Cambridge graduate or Rada alumnus – are, in a way, the least interesting things about me. I’ve had to do a lot of work taking off those jackets. The last thing I ever want is to be pigeon-holed.

‘I was meeting lots of casting directors and you’d feel the atmosphere change in the room when I said where I went to school. It’s true of everyone in this country; we’re all so much more than we’re allowed to be by this predisposition to keep people in their lane.


‘I’ve never wanted to have to transfer the credit for my actions on to anybody else – my parents, my school, my university. I’ve always understood an inherited confidence to be false.’


Later in the conversation, he talks about Britain’s class neurosis and cites his recent nomination for a Rising Star Bafta, for which he lost out to Hackney-born Adam Deacon.

‘It was couched as Eton versus Hackney, and Hackney won. But why can’t Adam just be the more popular actor?’


'The one thing I despise is how everything artistic, political or intellectual has to be refracted through this prism of class consciousness. It probably is more sensitive to me but everything becomes really narrow-minded and pedantic and bigoted.’

這段可以看得出來Tom對於在英國什麼東西都可以跟階級扯上點關係感到不悅。但在英國,這種根深蒂固的階級觀念,似乎一直是無法跨越的藩籬。直至現在,我覺得Benny也還在逃離這種框框。最明顯的例子在Benny2005年的訪談:William Golding's 'To The Ends Of The Earth'

“The upbringing I had was a privileged one, but by default. My grandmother paid for two thirds of my fee, so I was a very middle class kid by most standards. I was surrounded by Lord Rothschild’s son, Prince Hussein’s son, dignitaries, princes and peers left right and centre. ”

 “I was very lucky. Even though I wasn’t as rich as other people, there were loads of boys in similar positions to me at Harrow. ”

“There were those who were super rich and went off on their holidays to Aspen, and I’d go and see my grandmother in Brighton. There was a disparity in what we could afford to do on our holidays. ”


而在2010年Benny決定接演《After the Dance》後的一篇訪問:Benedict Cumberbatch - stepping into the lead中,階級問題依舊是個主題。

Is it easier to come out as a private school-educated posh boy now?
這個問題主要是指Benny的哈羅學歷是否使得他接演《After the Dance》輕鬆些?

"Christ, no, I think you have to hide it more with Cameron in charge," he says. "But class has always been with us, it just moves into different areas. In Rattigan's day it was incredibly stratified. What's interesting now is how far class will be defined by money — what the tax rises and the income thresholds and the VAT increases will be."

Personally, he hopes the current instability at home and abroad will result in a more egalitarian society. Professionally, he's a bit narked that, in the UK, he's allowed to play above his social class but not below it, "whereas in America I could play everything from trailer-trash to Harvard-educated".


這裡可以看得出來,Benny在哈羅裡有麼格格不入(指的是他自己在主觀認知上對於周邊同學的融入感)。即便如此,常常看到報導或訪問當中,主持人或記者還是會不斷提起他是哈羅畢業生(奇怪,怎麼沒人寫他是曼徹斯特畢業生這件事?),而他也總帶著無奈的語氣,接收著來自Martin一開始的玩笑:Oh yeah, you went to fucking Hogwarts, didn't you?並大方承認,對阿!我就是念Hogwarts。


為了紀念Terence Rattigan誕辰100週年,BBC拍了Terence Rattigan的紀錄片,並請Benny擔任介紹與旁白。Terence Rattigan同時也是《After the Dance》的作家,也剛好是Benny在哈羅的大學長(還剛好同一個學院!),找Benny來介紹真是太有意義了。

明明要介紹大學長,結果先帶大家來看自己的照片是怎麼回事?XD (即便名字縮寫都還比別人的名字還要長耶!哈哈!)

Benny指了指左下角的金髮男孩說:這是我曾經金髮的證據呦! 這孩子真的很可愛:D


BC圓圓的手指頭指的,就是大學長Terence Rattigan啦!

《After the Dance》裡Benny所飾演的David Scott-Fowler。真的是大帥哥一枚!



Ian Derry的作品。感覺Tom快要飛走了...

同樣也是Ian Derry的作品。

4 則留言:

  1. 因為最近迷上了"Sherlock",更愛上了Benny,無意間來了這個blog, 對博主的感受有好多共鳴. 其實看回幾個賽前interview, Benny對今次結果早已心中有數, 只是在那一刻, 也難免有少許失落, 但我覺得他今年得到Olivier leading actor獎更難得, 舞台劇絕對比電視演出更有難度, 豪無疑問他是一個極出色演員! 我最希望現場欣賞他的"Frankenstein",但相信很困難, 就算是影院版都看不到 (我在香港, 謀體對他的報導近乎零!!), 剛聽說北京會上映2場, 只希獎能有DVD就好了!

    我相信Benny在演藝路會越走越遠, 如同佢對自已充滿信心一樣!

    1. 當初看BAFTA的最佳男主角名單時,也有種:哇!都是狠角色!的感覺。因此Benny沒得獎,與其說難過他沒得獎,倒不如說更多是心疼他的難過。不過就如同你說的,他是一個極出色演員!所以我相信跌跌撞撞,他也只會越來越好!^^


      其實我很慶幸在BC還沒有非常紅(應該說,還沒有在美國大紅)時就注意到他,看著他從Sherlock S1一路到現在,感觸很深!讓我們一起為他加油吧!^______^

  2. 原來對BC的喜歡只停留看看片集/照片/訪問的程度, 接下有感他有這樣好的出身但也不以為然, 沒有高高在上的感覺, 又有專業的演出技巧, 更對文學有一定的修養(否則怎演莎翁?), 好感日漸增加

    尤其這段訪問:(簡中字幕版) http://video.sina.com.cn/v/b/77269958-2662294343.html
    先是BC本人是一個嘮叨的人(笑), 其次是他對War Horse這戲的分析, 洞察力驚人, 根本把電影由一齣戰爭片帶到另一層次去看, 跟好多明星只談時尚優很多
    自此, 對BC由花痴模式進化為由衷的欣賞

    1. (點頭如搗蒜),kAt,我完全能理解你的心情!*^^*

      我會開始注意到Tom Hiddleston其實也是因為他跟Benedict一起合作戰馬之後,看過他們兩的相關訪談,開始覺得,這傢伙也挺有趣耶!(雷神那部電影我還真的沒有很愛,所以我不是Loki大軍...)而且Ben跟Tom兩人在一起的訪談,也許他們倆的思考高度比較接近,彼此談話之間能激發出更多更深層的東西,就如同kAt所談到的:把戰爭帶到另一個層次去看,不管包括人性、政治、大時代等等。(倆個人嘮叨的程度其實也有得比,哈!)

