“Do I like being thought of as attractive? I don’t know anyone on Earth who doesn’t, but I do find it funny. I look in a mirror and I see all the faults I’ve lived with for 35 years and yet people go kind of nuts for certain things about me. It’s not me being humble. I just think it’s weird.”
唉!都說了你改寫大家的審美標準咩!現在不只Brainy is the new sexy,BC也是!XD
“I’m not confident in social situations, just going up to someone in a bar and saying ‘hi’ is going to be even more difficult because they won’t know the real me. They will just know me as a fictional person I play on the screen.”
這大概是所有演員都會遇到的問題吧!這讓我想起在Sherlock第一季播放完之後,走在街頭,幾位女孩對著BC議論紛紛:你是Sherlock嗎?又或是看舞台劇時,裡面的女孩們尖叫:Sherlock!Benny則說:我不是Sherlock!時過境遷,再看這次Benny在美國宣傳Sherlock S2時的反應,感覺他已經能夠習慣大家把他跟角色混在一起等同起來的錯亂感了。只是,親愛的Benny,如果你不給機會的話,有誰又能有機會認識真正的你呢?
Benedict’s knack of portraying a certain vulnerability in his characters stems from genuine insecurity. He has said the most hurtful thing he ever read about himself was in a blog describing “the talentless wooden acting of arse-named, horse-faced twot Benedict Cumberbatch”.And he says the part of his body he dislikes the most is “the size and shape of my head,” adding, “I’ve been likened to Sid the sloth from Ice Age”.
“I literally got off the plane and went straight to the studio. They were due to start shooting the film in five days and I walked into a room full of designers, artistic directors, editors, directors of photography and about five producers. I was terrified. I was jet-lagged and must have looked as white as a sheet with dark rings round my eyes but it was an amazing, amazing experience working on the film.”
提到前往參與Star Trek拍攝的現場,Benny竟然還可以因為走進一間滿屋都是導演,編劇,制片人的房間而感到害怕,這孩子真的一絲絲明星架勢都沒有耶!對於一個已經拍過這麼多電視劇與電影的演員來說,還能令他感到terrified,除了本身對於角色的戰戰兢兢之外,這大概也凸顯了好萊塢拍片與英國拍片的差異。這差異來自於影片規模、資金的投入、動用的人員、技術與科技等等。難怪世界各地的好演員都往美國擠...>"<
“I had a good education, but my parents weren’t that moneyed. Mum did a lot of commercial theatre and farces in the 1980s and 90s to make sure the school bills were paid.”
They were less amused when he told them that what he really wanted to do was follow them into the acting world. His determination to silence their doubts became a powerful motivating factor. Benedict says: “They wanted me to do a grown-up job and be a barrister. But they understood my decision.
"I was at university playing Salieri in Peter Shaffer’s play Amadeus when my dad told me, ‘You’re better than I ever was, or will be. You’ll have a good time doing this. I’m going to support you’.
“It was a huge thing for a father to say to his son. It was very humbling and moving. One of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning and try to do my best each day is to make them proud.”
Benedict’s home is still in North London and he plays five-a-side football whenever he can. But he would be more than happy to return to Los Angeles. “I’ve had a fantastic time and I’ve made some fantastic new friends,” he says.
“My home’s in London and my family and friends are all there.
“But I’m a nomad at the moment with no dependants, so I’m quite happy to pack a suitcase and travel wherever I’m asked to go.”
看完最後一句話,真不曉得該高興還是難過...私心的希望Benny不要在美國待上太久的時間,否則像Robert Pattinson一樣,連演個戲劇組還要額外再請老師來糾正他已經成為道地美式英語的發音時,就真得是場悲劇了。只是,突然腦海裡閃起了另一個片段,原來,這種飄泊的旅人心情,另一個孩子也相同...
I left drama school in the summer of 2005. It has been the most amazing odyssey ever since. I’ve worked in Paris, Moscow, New York, Milan, Reykjavik, Brussels, Ystad in Sweden, Santa Fe in New Mexico, Los Angeles and, of course, London. I never know where the wind will take me next. I often miss my family when I’m away. And yet, every film, every story is about family in some way.
While we were filming Thor, Anthony Hopkins once leant over and whispered, “You know, all the great actors – James Mason, Robert Mitchum, Peter O’Toole, Richard Burton – they were all such open, charming, optimistic people, but they each had a little suitcase of pain, and that’s what made them great.”
I have lived out of many suitcases, and it’s my frequent professional obligation to turn up on set and excavate some pain. Sometimes you have to go a long way round the houses to come home. I haven’t had to fight quite so many gods and monsters as Odysseus. But it’s been one hell of a journey, so far.
不曉得安東尼霍普金斯是否因為看出了年輕Tom的失根之感,這麼安慰著他。而也許, a little suitcase of pain,也是Benny在前往世界舞台的同時,所必須擁有的必要之惡。